
Joseph B Stahl Memorial Post 30


Legion State Headquarters




Department Office: Physically located at the

Delaware National Guard Armory

601 Bridgeville Hwy. (Rt. 13A)

 Seaford, DE19973


Department Office Mail: The American Legion, C/O Department

Adjutant Ric Santos, PO Box 930, Seaford, DE 19973-0930

Phone: 302.628.5221 - FAX: 302.628.5221 (Call First!)

Department Office e-mail: delaware_adjutant@verizon.net


Service Officer - VA Regional Office

1601 Kirkwood Highway, Wilmington, DE 19805

Mailing address: PO Box 5696, Wilmington, DE 19808-5696

Phone: 302.998.9448 or 302.633.5323 - FAX: 302.633.5388

Service Officer e-mail: svcofc@delegion.org


webmaster@delegion.orgWebMaster FAX: 302.628.8981