
Joseph B Stahl Memorial Post 30


Grillmaster Unite!! 










Volunteers are needed at the Wilmington VA Medical Center.                       If you are interested in helping, contact

Valerie Harwood
Wilmington VAMC
302-994-2511 Ext. 5389
Valerie Harwood@va.gov




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Airman's Attic


The Airmans Attic items benefit all Del National Guard members. Anyone can donate clothes or house hold items to the Airmans Attic. Drop off location is at the American Legion Stahl Post 30.

They accept small working appliances like microwaves, coffee makers and blenders. They also accept plates, silverware, glasses, mugs, dish towels, towels, bedding and other household goods.

New Castle District Membership revitalization.





            Joe Waegele, Master of Ceremony , Stahl Post 30 Ground breaking.

Ground breaking ceremony at Wilson field on March 12, 2014

From left, Christian Losito (EDIS); Frank Clymer, post commander; Daniel Dellinger, national commander;

John Endres, state commmander; and James Brady past state commander. More photos in photo gallery.


Notes from the Commander









HIRE A VET!!!!!!!!

Attention all members, the new key cards are available, come to the Post, pay your dues (if you have not done so) and get your new card.

Since our charter in 1950, our American Legion Post has been welcoming VETERANS from all branches of our Armed Forces. Today, we continue to welcome all military personnel serving our country. Joining our Post enables you to continue serving your God, Country and Community. Our mission is to implement the goals, aspirations, dreams, peace and blessings for our country, friends and families embodied in our preamble below.

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